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What is the consulting fee?On vehicles up to $100,000, the consulting fee is $475-$675. Client's decide on what they want to pay. BCC ask clients to be reflective of time invested, type of deal BCC was able to get you and MSRP of the vehicle. Vehicles over $100,000 consulting fee is $675+, again BCC asks clients to be mindful of MSRP of vehicle, time, and type of deal BCC was able to get you.
How long does it take BCC to work my deal?BCC can take a week to 30 days find the perfect deal for you.
What dealers does BCC work with?BCC works with all car makes, if there is a car you want. We will get it at the best price!
Why was I told that BCC is no longer accepting clients this month?BCC foundation is customer service, taking on too many clients at once, BCC cannot offer the quality customer service everyone deserves.
Do dealers pay BCC too?Nope..BCC fees are 100% from the client, that enables us to go after the best deal at any dealer.
Where do the vehicles come from?BCC can negotiate at your local dealer, or ship cars from different states. BCC will help facilitate the shipping, but it is the responsibility of the client.
Is the retainer fee refundable?Retainer fees will be refunded case by case bases. Changing your mind is not a reason!
Does BCC just do leases or purchases too?BCC focuses on leases, but can assist on purchases too
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